Monday, May 5, 2008

I do live!

No I am not dead...I just haven't written in almost a month. I have been wanting to write and post pictures about my spring break trip to California. Well, my camera battery has been dead and I keep forgetting to charge it. But it is on the charger as we speak (write). I just thought I'd write and let you know that I am still around. I was looking at what pictures I do have on my computer and I came across the ones when we had a guest visit our classroom. If any of you have ever looked and the Guinness Book of Wold Records (which 6th graders love!) you probably have seen the lady that has creepy long fingernails. Well, I had gotten one of these books to put in my classroom and it turns out that this lady is one of my girl's aunt! Well, one of my boys didn't believe her, even after she brought in picture, so she talked to her aunt and she made a visit to our classroom. It was fun for the kids and it caused quite the stir throughout the whole school. All of the students wanted an autograph and pictures taken with her. I felt really bad because it is a bit hard for her to sign her name and so I eventually told the kids no more. I had her sign my book and got some fun picture. So here she is if you haven't ever seen her picture.


Kris said...

wow, that lady is weird. I saw her on Ellen I think and I just thought "why? Why would any one want to do that?" Well maybe you know the answer and maybe not. Did the kids go crazy asking her questions like "how do you do your hair" or "how do you go to the bathroom?" etc.?
That's fun that she is related to a kid in your class. Did you have to get special permission from the principal to have her come in?
Well Allie you are just the funnest, coolest teacher ever!

Anonymous said...

All I can say is "Gross!" No offense to that lady, but really, is that necessary?


Unknown said...

SIIICK! Those nails look so gross. I bet those kids loved it though! What a good little teacher you are. And I make new posts all the time so I don't know what you're talking about.

~*aShLi*~ said...

you need to post about california!