My sister brought it to my attention that I need to update my blog with a new post. I guess I just have nothing that exciting going on. Well, I'll do my best to put up something exciting. The most recent events in my life include: Field Trip, SEPs (parent teacher conferences), and Easter. Our whole school was able to take a trip to see an Amelia Badelia (sp?) Play. It was a good time. So here are just a few pictures of that.

It is always fun fitting 70 6th graders on one bus!

Some of my kids' faces crack me up!
Another recent event was Easter. A couple of room moms came in and had a game and a treat for the kids. We were able to go outside and enjoy the nice weather. The game they played was a tag game. Near the very end one of my boys was trying to tag one of my girls and he ended up smacking her really hard on the neck. She fell to the ground crying. It wasn't long until a bright red hand print showed up. Poor thing. She came later in the day for SEPs (around 7pm) and she still had a red mark. I had to make sure her parents knew it wasn't me abusing her. It was really fun for the kids and they had a good time. And of course they enjoyed the treats. Here are some picture from that.
If you look a the far right of this picture, you can see one of my girls trying to tag one of my boys. It's great.
I enjoyed/suffered through another round of parent/teacher conferences. They call the SEPs here. It stands for Student (or maybe it's specialized) Education Plan. The students come along with their parents and we decide on goals for next term. We end school at 3:10 and begin conferencing at 3:30. We go all the way until 8:30 that night with just a half hour break in there for dinner. It is a pretty crazy night. And then the kids get the next day off and the teachers have to come to school and work. That really doesn't seem fair to me! I really don't mind SEPs because I have really good, supportive parents here. I love to brag about their kids. At least I can brag about most of them. But there are those few that there ends up being more negative than positive things said.
This past weekend I was able to head down to Bunkerville (Mesquite), Nevada. I went down with my roommate Addie to spend Easter with her family. She has a really great family and it is always a good time down there. This is my 3rd year spending Easter there in the 4 years that I have known her. We go there Friday evening and didn't return to Provo until late Sunday night. The weekend consisted of: Dying eggs, rolling eggs down a hill, having an egg toss, laying out in the sun, napping, playing basketball, eating really good food, watching enchanted, playing with LOTS of cousins and aunts and uncles, hunting for Easter baskets, going to church, eating more good food, getting fun things from her grandma, and enjoying lots and lots of sunshine! It was around 80 degrees there and I didn't want to come back to Provo where it was cooler. I also fell in love with her two-year-old cousin! He is one of the cutest kids! If only he was 20 years older. I'm kind of sad because it was most likely my last Easter I'll spend there. I guess life has to move on. I love how all of her family is so close, both in distance and in relationships. I never really had that with my aunts/uncles/cousin, so I love going down there and being part of their family. I would post pictures from that trip, but I didn't take any on my own camera so I'll have to hunt some down.
Well, there is what has been going on with me. I've been doing well and I am enjoying life!