Sunday, March 30, 2008

Welcome spring!...or maybe not

Well it was an exciting day yesterday. I along with some other friends, attended The Festival of Colors at the Krishna Temple (I believe it's a Hindu temple). They have this big celebration to welcome in spring. It's a tradition for their culture and a big event here in the Provo area. Thousands of people attend including many of the college students around here. People end up having to park miles away and walk. I have heard of it before, but have never attended. It was very exciting. When we first got there we had to wait in a huge long line to buy "color". They sell these colored powders almost like flower. It is part of the tradition that when they light the "demon" on fire you then throw these colored powders all over each other. So we finally got our color. They also have this dancer that comes and live music. It was then time to light the fire. As soon as it was lit the hundreds of people started throwing this powder everywhere. For a good few minutes it was VERY hard to breathe. I also had to keep spitting it out of my mouth. It was pretty crazy. After pretty much all of the powder has been throw people get a little wild. There is crowd surfing, pushing, dancing, singing, chanting and lots of chaos. I almost got killed by two guys crowd surfing above me. I did survive the night and it was a lot of fun. We ended by going out to eat and getting some weird looks for people. However, we were not the only group of people there covered in colorful powder. It felt really nice to shower afterwards. So we welcomed in spring that night and then we woke up to a good few inches of snow the next morning. Apparently spring didn't want to be welcomed in. I was not very happy to see the snow as I am very ready for some warm weather. Oh won't last too much longer. Enjoy the pictures of the madness!

Here is the huge long line. This was probably only about a third of the line.
Here is the Krishna Temple. It reminds me of Aladdin.Addie, me and Samantha in our "before" picture. We look all clean!
And this is right after all the color throwing madness. Not so clean anymore.
Here you can get an idea of how many people there were, how colorful it was, and a little bit of how crazy it was.
This was right before we left. I love the bright orange hand print on my face.
And this is the snow we woke up to this morning. Yay for spring!

1 comment:

Kris said...

wow, that looks interesting. I'm glad you had fun celebrating or welcoming spring. And I laughed out loud when you said the next day it snowed! Too funny. I can't believe that many people show up, sounds like a lot of fun, but just not for me ;)