Thursday, March 6, 2008

Good News Minute

I found out some exciting news today! I am going to be an EFY (especially for youth) counselor! I was so excited! I had applied months and months ago and had an interview back in January and had to wait until now to find out. This was what I was planning on doing to fill my summer and couldn't plan the rest of my summer until I knew if and when I had gotten in. So now I don't have to worry and can plan ahead! I'll be dong six weeks of it. I am done with school at the end of May and I start EFY the next week and do two weeks, then two weeks off and then do the first two weeks of July and then two weeks off and then the first two weeks of August. After my last session the next week I get to start into school stuff again. It is going to be a crazy summer but I am way excited! From what I hear, EFY wears you out! I am use to getting up early every day and being with kids all day, but at EFY I miss out on the sleeping part. I was looking at the pamphlets and stuff I have to read, there are like 100 pages of stuff to read. It's going to be great! As for the weeks in between...I'm not sure what I'll be doing. Probably taking a trip home somewhere there and probably doing stuff to prepare for next school year. So there is my good news!

1 comment:

Kris said...

I didn't know you had applied to be an EFY counselor, or maybe I did and I forgot. Any way yay for your blog now I know what you are up to this summer. You can make a trip out to Indy during one of your breaks, that is just a suggestion :)