I decided last year to start keeping track of some of the funny things my students (kids) say and I picked it up again this year. I think 6th grade is such a fun year because the kids are starting to become teenagers and they just have so much personality. I find myself laughing at the things they say/do on a daily basis. Here are a few things for your enjoyment (I'd have more but they are saved on my computer at school):
From last year:"Miss Weathers, you need to find yourself a lover!"
"I'm in love with Lexi"
"No you're not, you don't even know what love is."
"Oh I do...I've felt it."
"It doesn't matter what you put, you are going to get it wrong...unless it's the right answer"
From this year:"I'm a bird" (randomly as she flaps her jacket and heads to her seat)
As we are talking about when I get married...
"All the girls can be bridesmaids"
~a girl in the class
"You can be flower girls"
"And the boys will be those guys that clean the pipe organs" WHAT???
"I'm hot!" (referring to temperature)
"Yeah you are!"
"Last night I had a dream I married a bubble!"
"I tired to make a bear, but it didn't work...so I made a beaver"
Well, those are the ones I can remember right now. Some might not be as funny because they are probably "you had to be there" incidents. But maybe you get a laugh out of some of them. I just love 6th graders!