"Thank you so much for being so patcient with me in math I have always hated math & I was never good at it and all thanks to you I still am not getting very good scores but I am understanding it perfect and I'm starting to like it alot and I'm looking forward to it every day."
"Your style rocks this world."
"Thanks for helping me with my strugels."
"Thank you for spending long nights correcting our tests and homework."
(referring to what he tells his brother about me) "She is well dressed. She is fun to have with us. I wish she was my sister."
"This is like the first year I've really liked math."
"You make me laugh"
"You make stuff fun and easy."
"You've already inspired me to like math. Because last year I hated math. But you make math and other subjects fun!"
"I think your nice and you care for thoughs around you and you do whats best for every one."
"You have inspierd me someday I'll be a sixth grade teacher because of you. You make it look so easy."
"Thank you for making this year so fun and exciting and easy to under stand unlike my handwrighting right now."
"Thank you for read us good books you inspired me to read a lot more so thank you very much. You are very very smart."
"You are the best teacher ever and that makes a huge difference to make me be more nice."
"You make things organized and fun."
"I love you like a child loves spongebob."
This last one is the whole note...It was so sweet it made me cry and I just have to share the whole thing:
"Dear Miss Weathers,
I think you are the most beautiful gril. I love your smile and laugh and the only bad thing about the weekend is I won't see you for 2 days and 2 days is long for me!!! You are the best teacher in the school I was hoping that I would get you for 6th grade. Well you are the best teacher ever and I love you so much.
Love, _________ (your favorite students)"
This is what teaching is all about. Some days I wonder if I am really making a big enough difference in their lives. But when I get notes like these I know that I am doing something right. My kids are so great and they bring me so much happiness. I love what I do!
1 comment:
When I read these notes it also makes me proud that you are making a difference in the lives of these kids! Bask in the glow! :)
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